Neal Pollard

We have three branches of government, a democracy, and a constitution.  We are governed by a representative government whom we help elect.  However, there are nations right now that are kingdoms ruled, some at least in a token sense, by kings.  Nations for centuries upon centuries have known the rule of kings.

God was the first king of Israel, and He wanted it that way forever (cf. 1 Sam. 8:7).  But, He knew that Israel would want an earthly king (Dt. 17:14ff).  At the end of the rough and rocky road better known as the period of the judges, the people used the excuse of Samuel’s sons, Joel and Abijah, to clamor for a king to judge them (1 Sam. 8:5).  Yet, Israel either states or implies several things in what they say next.

  • They wanted a worldly king (1 Sam. 8:5; 20a).  They wanted a man like the other nations had over them.  No mention is made of his spiritual leadership or godliness.  In fact, the nations all around them were guilty of the most heinous, unrighteous behavior imaginable.  But it did not matter.  Whether peer pressure or envy, Israel wanted what the world had.
  • They wanted a king in place of God (1 Sam. 8:8).  They already had the supreme Sovereign reigning over them, but they were dissatisfied.  They wished to pledge their allegiance to another.  God tells Samuel that this is just another example of the rebellion that had marked them since Egypt.
  • They wanted a military king to provide them earthly security (1 Sam. 8:20).  Incredibly, Israel chose to ignore the greatest victories in history, from the departure from Egypt to Jericho to Ai and even the exploits of Samson a few generations before, in favor of a mere man who they felt would give them greater earthly ease.

Every time I read about this dark period in Israelite history, I think about my relationship to God.  What kind of king do I desire?  What sort of reign and rule do I want in my life?  Am I more interested in being led by the world?  Am I placing something or someone else upon the throne of my heart?  Am I more focused and interested on earthly security or eternal security?  These questions are not ones I can ask just once and be done with it.  Repeatedly, there will be a tug at my heart and a test of my loyalty.  Hopefully, through spiritual growth, I can settle in my heart the Lordship and Kingship of God!  I can say of God with the Old Testament writers, “There is none like You” (Dt. 33:26; 2 Sam. 7:22; Jer. 10:6).  We can read scripture and see that this King will be the ultimate, eternal victor and will reward His faithful subjects (1 Cor. 15:23-28).  Loyalty will be rewarded in unprecedented fashion (Mt. 25:34ff).  That’s the King I want!


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